21 Rapid Test

The rapid tests are managed in a totally different manner compared DreamLab standard, those kinds of exams are born to be as “fast” as the name itself.
The rapid tests exams list are saved in a xml file: RapidTest.xml, this file will be provided from the Dream developer team via mail, because every laboratory needs different exams,  every time DreamLab program starts it will synchronize the XML file with the database adding/updating or deleting the exams.

In reception after checking rapidTest is possible to choose wich rapid exam has to be pescribed.

After checking the user has to select almost one exam.


Once back in exam detail we will see only the prescribed one
The value can change, it could be a list or a textbox to set our value, it depends on configuration what the administrator set for the single exam



The configuration section is restricted only to administrators
The Administrator can only update the exam  name,  UdM, field type ,
this to make sure to use the proper data for every country.

Once saved, it will generate or replace an XML file that contains all definitions for rapid tests


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