13 HIV Viral Load, HIVDna, SARS-CoV-2 and TB

The sections for managing the HIV Viral Load, HIVDna, SARS-CoV-2 and TB are similar to what we have just seen for blood chemistry, but optionally allow you to quickly enter the results or enter the OK and the signature also from the same list.

For example, for the HIV Viral Load it is possible to enter the value in the result box (2) and validate with the OK and “sign” the exam from the list.

Of course, it is also possible to double click on the line for examination to enter the details of the examination and enter the result, the ok and the signature here.

In the HIVdna and SARS-coV-2 management, on the other hand, as you can see below, by clicking on the result field (1), a window (2) will appear and it is possible to specify the test result, method used and write any notes.

Molecular test form detail

TB form detail


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